There are some audits (old fashioned audits) that need to be done.
Pre-amble: if we listen to Indie Johar's seminal 'thought experiment' (on Spotify) which goes something like this:
"what if the oligarchy really intends to do everything they say: deep-sea/space mining, climate change (not climate collapse), handing over all the reins of power to an tiny elite, (themselves) etc," Where does that leave us?
It leaves us a country mile skew of an old fashioned audit - the one that's overdue, and examines the planetary balance sheet. What will it find, if it ever gets done? (In no particular order ...)
1. We are already close to breaching 2 degrees planetary heating, and counting, and it's probably already irreversible. (In simple language, we don't have to wait a few billion years for the sun to vaporise us, we can do it ourselves, by 2100. Bye-bye solar system.
2. We are already (just fyi) consuming about 4 or 5 times the carrying capacity of the world's food, and energy, not to mention rare earth minerals.
3. Even if we succeeded in implementing micro-nuclear, &/or energy fusion, that would just add another 3 or 4 degrees C to the disaster. (Upside: we'll all boil to death quicker.)
4. A'I' is already on schedule to add at least 1 or 2 degrees C to the planet's temperature, and to cause continental water wars.
5. The logic (I hate to use the expression, but there it is) of all this, is that we're on track to being the first global species to commit suicide-by-greed. (That should be an oxymoron, no?)
6. In other words, the quicker someone can murder 7 or 8 billion (sic) people, the better it’ll be for the lucky remaining few. Come back Dr Strangelove, all is forgiven.
And will the last person left please turn out the lights? No aliens should have to come to terms with our stupidity. .
Dear Partly Boiled Frogs,
There are some audits (old fashioned audits) that need to be done.
Pre-amble: if we listen to Indie Johar's seminal 'thought experiment' (on Spotify) which goes something like this:
"what if the oligarchy really intends to do everything they say: deep-sea/space mining, climate change (not climate collapse), handing over all the reins of power to an tiny elite, (themselves) etc," Where does that leave us?
It leaves us a country mile skew of an old fashioned audit - the one that's overdue, and examines the planetary balance sheet. What will it find, if it ever gets done? (In no particular order ...)
1. We are already close to breaching 2 degrees planetary heating, and counting, and it's probably already irreversible. (In simple language, we don't have to wait a few billion years for the sun to vaporise us, we can do it ourselves, by 2100. Bye-bye solar system.
2. We are already (just fyi) consuming about 4 or 5 times the carrying capacity of the world's food, and energy, not to mention rare earth minerals.
3. Even if we succeeded in implementing micro-nuclear, &/or energy fusion, that would just add another 3 or 4 degrees C to the disaster. (Upside: we'll all boil to death quicker.)
4. A'I' is already on schedule to add at least 1 or 2 degrees C to the planet's temperature, and to cause continental water wars.
5. The logic (I hate to use the expression, but there it is) of all this, is that we're on track to being the first global species to commit suicide-by-greed. (That should be an oxymoron, no?)
6. In other words, the quicker someone can murder 7 or 8 billion (sic) people, the better it’ll be for the lucky remaining few. Come back Dr Strangelove, all is forgiven.
And will the last person left please turn out the lights? No aliens should have to come to terms with our stupidity. .